Meet your Guide
It's my mission to help you to learn how to capture the things you want to capture and create your own works of art! I will show you how TO optimally operate your camera, use your smartphone to create stunning images. Bring your or gear or use some of mine! I will take you to some of the coolest spots Chicago has to offer.
How it works
Mutally agree upon the hardware we want to use, the subject matter we want to capture, and work out the logistics of where we will meet, etc. Then from there our creativity is the limit, and I will show you to do what I love doing to the best of my ability. The options break down to:
DSLR, whether it's yours or mine
Say you have a “real camera” but you don't know how to use it. If you're looking for guidance on how to get certain shots, then this is for you! If you do not yet own a DSLR but you want to experiment shooting with one you can simply temporarily lease one from me, and off we go!
Mobile photography
By signing up for a mobile photography lesson with me, you will automatically receive a free eBook containing information on mobile best shooting practices as well as a list of apps that I've come to love over the years. Don't be fooled by your phone, I produced lots of art on my phone before I started to shoot with a DSLR camera!
By Bike
Have a bike and are ready to go? Great! Without a bike or don't want to worry about it getting tampered with while we're shooting? No worries I have an extra Divvy Key to allow us to bike at our heart's content! I enjoy biking because it allows us to soak in more sceneary see more scenery in a less amount of time. If bikes aren't your thing, then we can go...
On Foot
The easiest way to experience the field. We just agree on a time, a place, lock it all in, and then meet at a convenient location to embark on our journey of exploration, and knowledge acquisition. I too will be learning on these adventures, as I will get to know you and see things that I've never seen before, because everyone's eye is different!
1 hr $100
2hr $180
3hr $250
1 hr $150
2hr $215
3hr $275
1 hr $70
2hr $125
3hr $200
All pricing includes thorough instruction based on interest, relevant resources, a password protected gallery on my website to host and share our pictures, as well as insight into my favorite hidden gems throughout the city for shooting. Meet up location will be be determined by what you are passionate or curious about shooting!
DSLR - Walking
1 hr $80
2hr $150
3hr $225
Lease DSLR- Walking
1 hr $110
2hr $180
3hr $225
MOBILE - Walking
1 hr $60
2hr $110
3hr $180